Our general goals, as described in our bylaws.
- The foundation aims at:
a. Supporting the physical, mental and/or social well-being of children and/or adults, be it directly or indirectly through health care and/or education and/or sports; and
b. Performing in the broadest sense all further acts that are related to the aforementioned point or that can be conducive thereto; - The foundation, among other things, tries to achieve its goal by realizing facilities and/or purchasing the necessary materials.
As a small foundation, we support one large project at a time. In addition, we support smaller projects that come our way and that fit within our general objectives.
In that way it remains well-organized and manageable to us. Please, below you may find more information on the project we are working on right now and projects which have already been completed.
Change of name
What started as something small has unexpectedly grown into something bigger.
In 2009 our chairperson, Monique Derrez, went on her first mission to the village of Peramiho in the region of Ruvuma, South-Tanzania. She was stationed in its missionary hospital as a physiotherapist – her original profession. There and then she lost her heart to this village and its people. Henceforth, the name of ‘Stichting Peramiho’.
In the meantime, our activities have extended beyond Ruvuma to other regions. With our project ‘Watoto kwanza’, for instance, we are mainly active in the region of Njombe. It is, therefore, confusing when only one region is mentioned in the name of the foundation. Besides, the Dutch word for foundation, ‘stichting’, is hard to pronounce when speaking English. Moreover, no one knows its meaning. Thus, time for a change of name. The logo is still the same, only the name has changed.
Our current project - From 'Orphan home' to a 'Family home'
Watoto kwanza - Children first
‘Watoto kwanza’, Swahili for ‘children first’. Freely translated: the child’s interest first. In this instance the child from one of the most vulnerable group in our society: children who (needlessly) grow up in an orphanage.
From 2009 onwards we had been supporting two orphanages. In August 2017 we came to realise that there is a better way to care for these vulnerable children: in a family. Growing up in a family is also a child’s right. This right is laid down in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This convention was adopted by the United Nations on 20th November 1989. It states that a child needs to grow up in a family, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding for a full and harmonic development of his/her personality. Tanzania signed this convention in 1991. The right to grow up in a family is also stated in the Tanzanian Children Act. In this Act it is stated that the staff of an officially recognized orphanage or institution, the social worker or any other person responsible for the child’s well-being has the responsibility to help reunite this child with its parents, guardian or family-members.
On top of that, more than 60 years of research has shown that growing up in an orphanage (institutionalising) is damaging to children’s cognitive, emotional and social development. Children develop better in a family environment. It is estimated that about 8 million children live in orphanages worldwide. More than 80% of these children still have at least one parent or other family-members who can take care of these children given the right support.
Our goal is to realise a change from institutionalizing children to a family approached solution – a so-called Family Based Care Model. Therefore, from an ‘orphan home’ to a ‘family home’. Together with local partners with whom we form a part of the solution. Read more.
Realized projects
Since May 2009 we realized the following projects:
- African Children's book on coronavirus;
- Operating room;
- Ambulance/jeep;
- Hospital beds;
- Ultrasound;
- Laboratory equipment;
- Baby scales;
- Sterilization equipment;
- Kindergarten;
- Water wells;
- Water tank.
Video overview realized projects
In 2019 we existed ten years. In the video below we summarized some of the highlights of these ten years. Enjoy watching.